Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia, formally the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is a country in West Asia. It covers the bulk of the Arabian Peninsula, and has a land area of about 2,150,000 kmĀ², making it the fifth-largest country in Asia, the second-largest in the Arab world, and the largest in West Asia and the Middle East.

Historically, Saudi Arabia has occupied a special place in the Islamic world, for it is towards Makkah and Islam’s most sacred shrine, the Ka’abah, located in the Holy Mosque there, that Muslims throughout the world turn devoutly in prayer five times a day.

Saudi Arabia is famous for oil, to be the origin of Islam, Arabian horses, the world’s largest sand desert (Rub’ Al Khali), the world’s largest oasis (Al-Ahsa), Arabian coffee, oil, countless palaces, veiled women, countless mosques, Bedouins on horses, Bedouins on camels, Bedouins with falcons, sword-wielding dance.

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